5 Instances When It's Better To Take A Cab Than Drive

To get to where you need to go in the world it's important to plan ahead and prepare. The same is true when you need to get from point A to point B. Scouting out how you will get to your destination that make the most sense when traveling, even a short distance, can be beneficial to both your stress level and wallet. If you're only using your car to travel, you may be costing yourself. Sometimes there are situations where it's better to take a taxi than to drive yourself.

When Traveling Abroad

Knocking the obvious one out of the way first, it's important to know that in most cases, especially in foreign countries, taxi drivers are just simply going to be able to get you to your destination quicker and cheaper than you would be able to.

For starters, taxi drivers are going to be much more familiar with the streets and roads in a foreign land than you are. If they aren't, it's time to find a new taxi. Kidding aside, the added value of having someone take you who already knows the way means time and money saved. Instead of having to consult your GPS, map your route and figure out the most efficient means of travel, just hope in a cab. It goes without saying that safety is also key here, make sure you're aware of your surroundings and only use licensed cabs. Some foreign countries are prone to illegal taxi cab operations, so ensure you know the signs of a legitimate, legal taxi.

When Navigating a Big City

New York isn't famous for its sea of yellow cars for no good reason. Taxi's make for a relatively painless way for those who don't want to drive or can't afford expensive parking fees to get around the city. As an added bonus, in many major metro cities, some drivers will be educated on where landmarks are at and this can help take some of the stress off of your needed commute. The bigger the city is, the more competition that exists, and the more reasonable the fares will be. Take advantage.

When Rental Cars Are Too Expensive

Depending on your area, price gouging can effect rental car prices and make them too steep or unreasonable for even the heaviest budgets. There is no reason to trap yourself into an unreasonable deal with a car rental company, learn how to say no. With a taxi service, you can hop over to this site, and still have the option of getting a rental later.

When You Want To Get There, Faster

Not for the faint of heart, but many taxi districts have reputations of not wasting time. If you absolutely must get somewhere in the nick of time, informing your driver you are in a rush and offering a small extra tip can be the difference between a 20 minute leisurely drive and a 12 minute shortcut laden expressway. You might feel like you've been on a roller coaster, but if time is of the essence, many believe it is worth it.

When You Are Headed Out For a Night On the Town

Instead of worrying about finding a designated driver, DUIs, or having to constantly monitor your drinking during a night out, hail a cab instead. Taxis will pick you up right outside of the bar and club you are at, and will even make food stops for you for a midnight snack on your way home.

Traveling to your destination doesn't have to be hard. By using proper discretion and taking advantage of deals and discounts, using a Taxi service can be an excellent part of your routine.
